See the reference manual
- SimpleRotate is awfully simple and easy to use.
- It is thread safety.
- SimpleRotate class is singleton design pattern.
- It is possible to write logs to a log file safety even when multiple processes write logs to the same log file at the same time.
- It is possible to write logs with format that your preference. You can also change date format as you prefer.
- It is possible to make vulnerability levels with logs when write logs to a log file.
- Logs have some vulnerability levels and you can choose logs to write to a log file by vulnerability levels.
- When the log file reaches a specific size or specific term, SimpleRotate renames the log file and creates a new one.
- Renamed log files are rotated with specific counts. So there is no necessary to mind lack of storage capacity on server.
- It is possible to compress renamed log files when you need that.