
The documentation for version 1.1.0

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Public Class Methods


SimpleRotate class is implemented as singleton design pattern,
therefore you can take SimpleRotate object that’s having your preference in any context.


Returns an object of SimpleRotate.

Public Instance Methods

init([file_name, [limit, [generation]]])

Specifies some informations about logging.


Returns an object of SimpleRotate.


  • file_name = File.absolute_path($0+".log")

Specifies filename that is written logs. You must specify absolute path or relative path by symbol or string.

Default is ./<current filename>.log.

When the file you set dosen’t exist, the file will be created at this method was called.

The first of row in log file is an information of when the file was created. Because some file system don’t support to give file creation datetime. You shold not delete it.

When the file you set already exists, append logs to the file instead of overwriting it.

When you prefer to write logs to STDOUT, You should specify this value to :STDOUT.

  • limit = "100M"

When the log file reaches a specific size or specific term that are set as limit, SimpleRotate renames the log file and creates a new one.

There is necessary to set the value with integer or string for max limit size of log file, You can use the following words "K", "M", "G" like "1G". Default is "100M".

For example, When specified like SimpleRotate.init("/var/log/ruby/app/foo.log", "500M"), log files are written untill it reaches its size to be “500M” and over.

You must not set like "500MB", the keywords are only accepted "K", "M", "G". Others will be removed by to_i. Therefore 500MB will be converted to 500 and it means 500 byte.

Log file’s size is checked when #init, #w methods are called. After that if file size reaches specific size, the log file is renamed and new log file is created, after logs are written to the new one. When renaming is done, old log files are renamed as followng file_name.1, file_name.2, file_name.3, file_name.4. The older log file, The bigger number.

When you set "DAILY", "WEEKLY", "MONTHLY" as string, you can rotate log files by specific term.

  • "DAILY": Writes logs to the log file just 24 hours from it has been created.
  • "WEEKLY": Writes logs to the log file just 7 days from it has been created.
  • "MONTHLY": Writes logs to the log file just 30 days from it has been created.

The renaming format of log files is file_name.YYYYmmdd.

  • generation=0

Maximam number of rotations. Renamed log files are rotated by this count.

For example, If you set 4 to value of generation, old log files are rotated between file_name.1, file_name.2, file_name.3, file_name.4.

Default value is 0. If it is set 0, old log files aren’t deleted.

This example is calling the method with a block. When exits from a block the I/O port of it is closed automatically.

For Example

logger = SimpleRotate.instance

logger.init("foo.log") do |sr|
  sr << "log message"

logger.init("bar.log") do |sr|
  sr << "log message"


When #w is called, writes logs to not only a log file but also STDOUT.


Returns nil.


Turns on gzip compression. Log files are compressed by gzip when these are rotated and renamed.

When you enable gzip compression, you must call this method before init was called because there is a possibility a log file is rotated.

Defalt is not available to compress log files.


Returns nil.


Sets gzip compression level.

Default gzip compression level is Zlib::DEFAULT_COMPRESSION.
The grator number, The higher copression.

  • Note: Default compression level which is a good trade-off between space and time.

Turns on gzip compression when this method is called.


Returns nil.


  • lelvel

Compression levels from 0 to 9 as integer.


Writes message to a log file.

All of message have log levels. Log levels are information of seriousness.
Log levels are defined by #debug,#info,#warn,#error,#fatal.

For example, when #warn is called, log’s seriousness is switched to WARN, therefore the defined constant $LOG will be converted to WARN.

Default log’s seriousness is INFO.


Returns message.


  • message

Logs to write to a log file. You can set some types not only string but also e.g. integer, float, array.

For Example

logger = SimpleRotate.instance
ary = [111, 333, 555]
logger.w ary
logger.error.w("This is ERROR message")

Expects to be wrriten in a log file as,

[2014/01/15 19:44:22] - INFO : [111, 333, 555]
[2014/01/15 19:44:22] - ERROR : This is ERROR message

<< message

The alias of #w. You can use << istead of #w.

For Example

logger = SimpleRotate.instance
logger.debug << "This is DEBUG message"


Flushes any buffered data after #w was called.


Returns nil.


Dosen’t flush any buffered data after #w was called. This is Default.


Returns nil.


Closes I/O stream of log files.


Usually retuns true, But if set :STDOUT in file_name when call #init, it returns nil.


Opens I/O stream of the log file that is closed by #e.


The file object that is wrotten logs.

If set :STDOUT in file_name when call #init, it returns nil.
Also returns nil and output the warning messag to STDERR if a log file isn’t closed by #e.


Rotates log files even if a log file dosen’t reaches its threshold(file size).


If set "DAILY" or "WEEKLY" or "MONTHLY" in limit when call #init, dosen’t rotate log files and it returns nil.

If set :STDOUT in file_name when call #init, it returns nil.

threshold [= log_level]

All of logs have its seriousness as follows "DEBUG" > "INFO" > "WARN" > "ERROR" > "FATAL".
Log’s seriousness is increased form left to right.

Specifies in this method, which logs that is having seriousness should write to a log file.

For exmaple, If set "ERROR" in threshold, logs that are having seriousness of ERROR and up (means "FAITAL") are written to a log file.


Returns current value as string.


  • log_lelvel

Log’s seriousness. You can select it form the following "DEBUG","INFO","WARN","ERROR","FATAL" as string. Default of seriousness is "INFO".

For Example

logger = SimpleRotate.instance
logger.init("/var/log/ruby/app/foo.log", "DAILY")

# "ERROR" and up are written to a log file.
logger.threshold = "ERROR"

logger.debug << "message" #=> "DEBUG" isn't written << "message" #=> "INFO" isn't written to a log file
logger.warn << "message" #=> "WARN" isn't written to a log file
logger.error << "message" #=> "ERROR" is written to a log file
logger.fatal << "message" #=> "FATAL" is written to a log file

logging_format [= format]

Defines log’s format. Default is "[$DATE] - $LEVEL : $LOG".


Returns current value as string.


  • format

Required to set as string. You can use following predefined constants in format.

  • $DATE - Date or/and time. You can define the format to call #date_format.
  • $PID - Current Ruby process ID.
  • $LEVEL - Log’s seriousness.
  • $LOG - Logs. it means message in #w(message).
  • $FILE - Current Ruby filename.
  • $FILE-FUL - Current Ruby absolute filename.

For Example

logger = SimpleRotate.instance
logger.init("/var/log/ruby/app/foo.log", "1G")
logger << "message"

Expects to be wrriten in a log file as,

[2013/10/23 20:15:13] - INFO : message

For Example

logger = SimpleRotate.instance
logger.init("/var/log/ruby/app/foo.log", "1G")

logger.logging_format = "[$LEVEL] : $DATE => $LEVEL: [$LOG] @ $FILE-FUL"
logger.fatal << "message"

Expects to be wrriten in a log file as,

[FATAL] : 2013/10/23 20:15:13 => FATAL: [message] @ /var/log/ruby/app/foo.log

date_format [= format]

Defines the format of $DATE. Default is "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S" therefore $DATE will be coverted to like 2013/10/04 20:04:59.


Returns current value as string.


  • format

Required to set as string. The format is same as Date#strftime(string).

For Example

logger = SimpleRotate.instance
logger.init("/var/log/ruby/app/foo.log", "DAILY")

logger.date_format = "%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
logger << "message"

Expects to be wrriten in a log file as,

[13-10-04 20:04:59] - INFO : message

rename_format [= format]


Returns current value as string.


  • format

When rotation is done and then a log file is renamed to following like file_name.1, file_name.20131024.

Defines renaming format that is a part of .. For example if you set as #rename_format(".log."), It will be renamed as file_name.log.1, file_name.log.20131024.

Default is a period ..

For Example

logger = SimpleRotate.instance

# Must to define before `#init` was called because there is a possibility a log file is rotated.
logger.rename_format = ".example."

logger.init("/var/log/ruby/app/foo.log", "1G")

Renames the log filename to app.log.example.1 when rotation is done.


The judgement that there is a necessarity to rotate log files is checked when #w or #init are called.

If this method has been called, dosen’t check whether to rotate log files or not even when #w is called.


Returns nil.


Check whether a log file’s I/O stream is closed or not.


When I/O stream is opened, it returns true, isn’t opened returns false.

If set :STDOUT in file_name when call #init, it returns nil.


No Warning messages if there are any problems.

Warning messages are message that are written to STDERR when unexpected problems are occurred in SimpleRotate class.

For example [WARNING] File is already open! - (SimpleRotate::Error).


Returns nil.


Switches log’s seriousness to "DEBUG". "DEBUG" is log for debugging.


Returns an object of SimpleRotate.

Therefore you can use method chaining like logger.debug.w "debug message"


Switches log’s seriousness to "INFO". "INFO" is log for informations in programs.


Returns an object of SimpleRotate, therefore you can use method chaining.


Switches log’s seriousness to "WARN". "WARN" is log to inform warning of programs.


Returns an object of SimpleRotate, therefore you can use method chaining.


Switches log’s seriousness to "ERROR". "ERROR" is log to inform errors of programs.


Returns an object of SimpleRotate, therefore you can use method chaining.


Switches log’s seriousness to "FATAL". "FATAL" is critical log.


Returns an object of SimpleRotate, therefore you can use method chaining.

For Example

logger = SimpleRotate.instance
logger.warn << "log message"
logger << "log message" # the seriousness is keeping "WARN"
logger.fatal << "log message"
logger << "log message" # the seriousness is keeping "FATAL"

Expects to be wrriten in a log file as,

[2013/12/16 14:15:03] - WARN : log message
[2013/12/16 14:15:03] - WARN : log message
[2013/12/16 14:15:03] - FATAL : log message
[2013/12/16 14:15:03] - FATAL : log message

sleep_time [= sec]

Specifies the number of secounds to stop after rotation is finished.

It is important to run multiple threads or multiple processes. If you run the program just single, there isn’t any meaning to call this method.

You can also specify this value to call #psync(sleep_time).

If threads or processes rotate log files at the same time, It may be good to increase the number. It is for overhead that renaming is done actually.


Retruns current value as float or fixnum.


  • sec

Required to set as float or fixnum.

Default is 0.1 but when you didn’t call #psync its value is 0.


Resolves critical section problem and it provides safety logging even if multi-process program.

Must to cal before #init was called because it has critical section problem.

When write logs to a log file, SimpleRotate check its inode number and try to write logs to a newest log file, also flushes any buffered data after #w was called.


Returns nil.


  • sec

Specifies the number of secounds to stop after rotation is finished. Default is 0.1.

For Example

logger = SimpleRotate.instance


Opens a newest log file if inode numbers have a diffrence between a log file be opened and a newest log file.

This method is necessarity called in #w therefore there is an necessarity to call this method youselves.


When there is a difference of both inode numbers, try to open a newest log file, but failed to open it or other problem was occurred it returns failse and write the warning message to STDERR.

If failed to open a log file or didn’t open a log file or set :STDOUNT in file_name when call #init, in the above cases mentioned return nil.

In the other case, returns true.


When this method is called dosen’t check log file’s inode number. You must to call this method when run single thread or process programs.


Returns nil.


The standard libraris are required for SimpleRotate.




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